Wednesday, February 17, 2016

APC Anti Smoking Campaign

According to the internet "Seven out of 10 smokers say they'd like to quit and many may already be struggling to stick to their resolution to make 2015 a smoke-free year. If quitting were easy, after all, chances are good that nearly 20% of adults wouldn't still be smokers, a figure that hasn't budged a much in several years. Smoking is such a familiar health hazard that some experts say it doesn't get the attention it deserves; the focus is often on other lifestyle-related conditions, especially obesity. But smoking is still the No.1 cause of preventable death in this country. "

Everybody knows that smoking is bad yet why do they still continue using, advertising and making these little sticks that kills a lot of lives? Come to think of it, what is the good in smoking? Well, some say it relaxes you, calms you, it makes you look “cool” and helps them deal with their personal problems. These are absolutely insane reasons! Smoking is not the only solution or should I say smoking is never really a solution!

Smoking for me remains a particularly awful habit because it directly harms people who don't even touch it. All they have to do is be in the same vicinity as a smoker. It is very unfair because we refuse ourselves to do that awful habit but still we get sick by just accidentally inhaling the gas the smoker releases.

Now, how can we put an end to this madness? Or at least lessen this to make a change. Basically, saying that “smoking is bad for your health” or “hey, smoking kills you” won’t change anything because they will still continue. It is not enough to change their minds.

In other countries, to discourage smokers from smoking, they put images of the effects of smoking on the cigarette packet. They put images like lungs of lung cancer patients who smoked and people who lost their toes and fingers caused by vascular disease. Like I said, you can’t simply tell people to stop smoking by saying it could kill them. But make them put into their heads those images so that their brain can finally process the fact that it will really kill you and this will happen to you if continue this awful habit. In addition to that, smoking will kill you slowly but surely and that it will leave you in pain.

Image result for smoking kills

In Asia Pacific College there are a lot of smokers, especially in the open parking area where the sheds are. That's why most of the people who don't smoke won't go there. Maybe because their thinking that they could be influenced, maybe because they are thinking that they could inhale the gases releases by the addicted smokers, and lastly maybe they are thinking that they could be bullied because they don't want to smoke. I will be very thankful if the project APC's Anti-Smoking Campaign would be established. Positively speaking this is for the sake of the campus either you’re a non-smoker or a real time smoker.

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